GetWebPics (product number 4479-10): order form =========================================================== Mail this form to: Universal Commerce, Inc. ATTN: Orders PO Box 1816 Issaquah, WA 98029 United States of America Or fax it to: 1 888 353-7276 (U.S. and Canada; toll-free) 1 425 392-0223 (other countries; regular) Or just call: 1 877 353-7297 (U.S. and Canada; toll-free) 1 425 392-2294 (other countries; regular) Check, money order, purchase order or credit card order accepted ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Note: for mailed orders, the checks need to be made out to Universal Commerce Inc. The product ID (4479-10) should be mentioned on the "memo" of the check. Checks and money orders should be drawn in US Funds. A purchase order must be faxed or mailed to the address listed above with all necessary information including billing information. Order Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GetWebPics (4479-10) Price/Unit Quantity Total ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Personal license ______ ____ ______ Mail or fax order $2.50 ______ TOTAL AMOUNT ($U.S.) __________ Note: if you place an order by fax (with credit card), or pay with check, money order or purchase order, please include additional $2.50 (see above). Otherwise, your order will not be processed. If you place an order by phone, you'll be charged for additional $3. For online orders, there are no additional charges. Payment Information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ First Name: _____________________________________________________ Last Name: _____________________________________________________ Company: _____________________________________________________ Street Address: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ City: _____________________________________________________ State/Province: _____________________________________________________ Zip/Postal Code: _____________________________________________________ Country: _____________________________________________________ Daytime Phone: _____________________________________________________ Fax: _____________________________________________________ Email Address: _____________________________________________________ Payment: __ MasterCard __ VISA __ AMEX __ Discover __ Check __ Money order __ Purchase order For credit card orders: Name on Card: ________________________________________________________ Credit Card Number: __________________________________________________ Expiration Date: month _______________ year (4 digits) _______________ Signature : ____________________ Date: ______________